A lot of women desire perfectly rounded, perky breasts that give them a symmetrical bust. However, did you know that there are a large number of women who struggle with having large breasts and want nothing more than to make them smaller? This is the case in women who have breast hypertrophy, a condition where breasts rapidly increase in size at an alarming rate.

Imagine having the rest of your body look well proportioned but having extremely large breasts that stick out! Having breasts that look too big and asymmetrical with the rest of your body can be embarrassing for some. Not just that, they can also result in multiple physical issues that can disrupt your regular life.

Just like there are cosmetic procedures designed to increase the size of the breasts, there are also cosmetic procedures designed to reduce the size of the breasts.

What Is Breast-Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery is a cosmetic procedure that is done to reduce the size of your breasts. It is usually done by removing the excess fat, tissue, and skin from your breasts. It can help you achieve breasts that are sized proportionately with the rest of your body.

In order to be considered a good candidate for breast reduction surgery, you will have to be in good general health and free of any underlying health problems. It’s important that you’re open about your medical history and have realistic expectations about the end result.

Your doctor will assess your body during a consultation to help develop a customized plan to get you the look you desire. The procedure will be explained in detail in order to fully prepare you for what’s ahead.

What to Expect During the Breast-Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery is usually done under general anesthesia. Your doctor may use different techniques for the surgery. The most commonly used techniques are either reshaping your breasts using an incision or using liposuction to remove the excess fat.

Your doctor will usually make an incision around the areola and use that to remove the excess tissue, fat, and skin. He will then reshape the breast and position the nipple and areola accordingly.

The nipple and areola usually remain attached to your breasts throughout the procedure, unless your breasts are really large, in which case your doctor will have to remove them and attach them again after resizing your breasts. During this procedure, your doctor will also work to enhance your breast symmetry.

Recovering From a Breast Reduction Surgery

Once the breast reduction surgery is done, he will bandage your breasts and place a small tube under each arm to drain out excess fluid. He will also put you on antibiotics to help you with the pain and to ward off infection.

Your breasts will feel sore and tender after the surgery and you will also experience some bruising and swelling initially. These effects are temporary, however, and will subside as you heal. But if it becomes too much to handle, your doctor will help by prescribing medication to help ease the pain away.

You will heal with time but you need to limit indulging in physically straining activities for at least a month after the surgery. You should also not wear an underwire bra for a few months after your surgery.

Your incisions will leave post-surgical marks which will usually fade with time. During the procedure, your doctor will do his best to strategically place incisions in a way that limits the visibility of the resulting post-surgical marks on your body.

You will be able to see results immediately but keep in mind that the final results will take time to show. They will gradually improve as you heal.

Contact Our Office

If you have large breasts and want to reduce their size, a breast reduction surgery is the perfect solution for you. Contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Shane Palmer today. With his help and guidance, you’ll be on your way to a comfortable, more symmetrical body that you can be happy with.